又是Brais Martinez&Adrian Bulat!总是Brais Martinez&Adrian Bulat!Brais Martinez&Adrian Bulat发文的神!
Summary:文章比较一般,最突出的贡献是提了2-stage的training scheme(之前应该有人提过,但是这个是第一个中的?有人也是这仨)。感觉 rating 3.7/5 的样子(还是要比BinaryDuo更有Insight一点的)。文章先通过堆料搭出了个SOTA的模型,接着提出用multi-stage的方法通过match FP model和binary model各个block输出的feature map来训,还提了个用输入数据计算activation scaling factor的添头,懂的都懂。
本文核心论点:减少binary和其对应的FP conv之间输出的差距可以提点。
作者在这里argue了一下和KD的区别,称Zhuang et al.2018
owever, (Zhuang et al., 2018) tries to match whole feature maps of the to-be-quantized network
with the quantized feature maps of a real-valued network that is trained in parallel with the
to-be-quantized network.
We make the reasonable assumption that if a binary network is trained so that the output of each
binary convolution more closely matches the output of a real convolution in the corresponding layer
of a real-valued network, then significant accuracy gains can be obtained.
这里有点细节,前面说的对activation rescale的只是个添头,实际上weights的scaling factor α还是照常用了的(实际上是主角吧)。
玄学之activation scaling单独不work,搭上attention matching才work。解释非常牵强:
It seems clear from this result that both are interconnected: the extra supervisory signal is necessary
to properly guide the training, while the extra flexibility added through the gating mechanism boosts
the capacity of the network to mimic the attention map.
"额外的监督信号对指导训练非常必要,gating mechanism(activations scaling)带来的额外灵活性提升了网络模仿attention map的能力"。那不是当然吗,XNOR-Net里面的scaling factor也可以啊?那你单独不work是怎么回事?