Understanding Straight-Through Estimator in Training Activation Quantized Neural Nets


来源:ICLR2019 / 陈老师安利
作者是第一次见到的Penghang Yin, Jiancheng Lyu, Shuai Zhang, Stanley Osher, Yingyong Qi, Jack Xin,感觉有点硬核,全文10页附录的推导有20页orz。

Summary:讨论STE为什么能"正确"训练binary model的文章。提了一个非常关键,大家也非常关心的好问题,但是给的回答感觉非常草率且not general.文章给出了一些证明,证明对于一个两层的小网络(甚至还不算是Conv网络),ReLU STE、Clamp ReLU STE可以指向正确的梯度下降方向,identity STE则不能,会在local minima附近振荡,最后给了验证试验。虽然推导很多(但是看不懂也没看),但是他们就在toy model上做了实验,不知道能不能(大概率是不能)推广到更深/Conv的网络中,有种自娱自乐、自欺欺人的感觉。



  • 用大量的数学推导证明了在一个非常受限的情况下(数据分布、network都严格受限)不同的STE确实能指向population loss下降的方向,在该特殊情况下,identity STE表现不如另外两者。
  • 1.2有句看不懂的话:
This is an implication that poor STEs generate coarse gradients incompatible with the energy landscape, which is consistent with 
our theoretical finding about the identity STE.



 Since this unusual "gradient" is certainly not the gradient of loss function, the following question arises: why searching in its 
 negative direction minimizes the training loss?


推导基础和测试基础:本文的toy model是训练two-linear-layer network,它的weight是full-precision的(陈老师赞许这点了诶?先固定weight是full-precision的再单研究binary activation的影响),activation是binarized ReLU activation的,输入满足高斯分布。


We prove that if the STE is properly chosen, the expected coarse gradient correlates positively with the population gradient 
(not available for the training), and its negation is a descent direction for minimizing the population loss.

"我们证明了,如果STE选取得当,那么expected coarse gradient(根据proxy计算出来的梯度的期望?注意全文的gradient都指的是关于weight的!)和真正的gradient正相关,它的反方向就是减少population loss的方向。"

We further show the associated coarse gradient descent algorithm converges to a critical point of the population loss minimization 
problem. Moreover, we show that a poor choice of STE leads to instability of the training algorithm near certain local minima.

"我们进一步揭示了coarse gradient下降算法最后收敛到population loss minimization的关键点,不合适的STE会在特定local minima附近震荡。"

1 Introdution

表了一些related works(大概率也不会看就是了):

This proxy derivative used in the backward pass only is referred as the straight-through estimator (STE) (Bengio et al., 2013). 
In the same paper, Bengio et al. (2013) proposed an alternative approach based on stochastic neurons. In addition, Friesen & 
Domingos (2017) proposed the feasible target propagation algorithm for learning hard-threshold (or binary activated) networks 
(Lee et al., 2015) via convex combinatorial optimization.

3 Main Results

Remark 1

The convergence guarantee for the coarse gradient descent is established under the assumption that there are infinite training 
samples. When there are only a few data, in a coarse scale, the empirical loss roughly descends along the direction of negative 
coarse gradient. As the sample size increases, the empirical loss gains monotonicity and smoothness.

收敛的保证条件是梯度下降建立在无限样本的基础上,只有少数样本的时候下降的方向大体是coarse gradient的负方向,当样本数目增多时empirical loss单调性和平滑性会更强。

后面的证明大概就是说明the coarse partial gradient using clipped ReLU/ReLU和the true partial gradient of the population loss正相关,最后能不能收敛到local minima这样(identity STE则是在这种local minima梯度不能消失,因此振荡)。
